Ok, I need to do a Jenni rant.
Have any of you heard about those calendars made by the mormon guy? You know...he made a calendar taking pics of hot young men who just returned from their missions and BOOM...huge controversy! He got excommunicated and the calendars are all over the news. NOW he does it again...except with hot mormon moms. And once again, it hits like wildfire across the news. "Will these moms be kicked out of their church" blah blah
When interviewed, one of the moms was asked how she felt about the possibility of being excommunicated. her reply was along the lines of "well if it happens it happens. " with a shrug and a smile
Ok, honestly!
ONE: Why is this even on the news?? Woo...so some guy decides to make calendars with concenting adults that know what they are doing...and he gets excommunicated for his choice. NOT the first time this has happened. I have this feeling that he KNEW it would happen, and that if he contacted just the right people he could get the unneeded and rude attention for the church that he wanted. i mean come on, the news wouldn't have known about the "scandal" of these calendars unless someone had told him...and it just feels too simple. When you see him smiling and being all cool, you know this hasnt hurt him...ge is getting better business than ever!
TWO: In my oppinion, these models also do not care. Obviously shown by the woman who just smiled and shrugged away the possibility that she could be kicked out...and the coolness of the calendar maker... How can they rant and rave about how they might be excommunicated while at the same time they claim they dont really care? They dont realyl believe, thats is clear. If you have a testimony and faith in something, ANYTHING, you dont do something you know is wrong and shrug it off like nothing as happened. They know the teachings of the church...
THREE: There are many LDS models and actors out in the world. There have been for a long time and there will be for a long time to come. They dont flaunt it. And they do their job. Yes, modeling means you cant always wear "modest" clothes. And acting means you cant always be "molly" or "peter" (sorry...mormon slang...er..."very mormon") But they still live their LIVES in their belief. No one is perfect and no one can ever EXPECT perfection. So I say la de da to the fact these returned elders and mothers have decided to do this. I know that
I have no where near the ammount of self esteem you ever need to model at all...
The fact that bugs me is that they made their choice to do this...then had to rub it in everyone's face. "ooo I modeled for a calendar...I dare you to kick me out."
Im sorry people, but you dont dare God.
He will always take you up on it...and not in the way you thought.
Though I dont flaunt it much...I DO believe in this church. I am so happy I was able to get married in the temple and that I know what I do. That the Prophet is on this earth today and that we have the priesthood. I have seen it in action and know how true it is. Faith is a hard thing to have, especially today. Times are way hard and temptation is rampant. People dont LIKE it if you believe and they swerve away from truth like it were a disease. I am no missionary, no saint. I am not perfect and I hate preaching and driving people nuts. But I do firmly believe this faith.
And the fact that it is getting attacked more and more...and people will so willingly throw it away with a shrug...and that people LIKE attcking it more than ever...
ever hear of signs of times?
i think we are getting there people.