Friday, May 1, 2009

He is a PIRANA!

Rylend and his teeth...

I remember when he first started getting them I was sad because I loved his gummy smile. But then those little pearly whites came in...and his smile only got more amazing. Now he has four on top and three on bottom and LOVES to show them off. When he smiles he clenches his teeth and pulls back his lips so you can all of them, his little cheeks balling up and if he his smiling just right you can see dimples too! Its very cheesy and goofy, but I love it!!

A few days ago I went to fish a toy out of his mouth (Rylend thinks everything is edible, I swear) and I felt something sharp in the back on his top gums. Well, I grabbed the flashlight and let him hold it (haha fool the kid!) and looked in AND...He has his back top two molars in!! Me bing mommy got super excited, insisting Shane look at his new teeth. I know know what it is, but little things like this are just so exciting! Shane thought it was cute, but I couldnt stop trying to look! My little boy now has NINE TEETH!

It kind of exlains why he has been trying to CHEW so much lately. He shoves his food into the back of his mouth then chomps away, usually gagging himself in the process. But he is like "Hey! I can CHEW this stuff!" About a week ago he was wrestling me on the ground, kissing me and huggin me. His kisses are the open mouthed, rub all over your face type kisses. and all of a sudden OUCH! He had bit my lip. And not only a small bite...He had almost pierced it and I was bleeding. I sat up and said "Ouchie Rylend!" Then his face got all concerned...and he tried to kiss my lip again. Aww...he wanted to make it better.

My kiddo...such a loving, goofy little ham.

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