I have so many videos and pictures I still need to post on here. but for now, I am just going to write. I can hardly believe it that Rylend is already 5 months old. (to be exact...5 months and 9 days!) He is growing so fast and learning so much! He loves to be in his walker, exploring everything he can get into. When we put him down on the floor to play with his toys, he rolls everywhere. Then he will get up on his hands and knees, no problem, and look around. He tries so hard to crawl and almost has it! He is such a determined little boy, wanting to get on to the next stge before he has finished the one he is already on. If you hold his hands and help him stand, he will take his little baby steps, walking wherever he feels like at the moment.
And his talking! No, no words yet. But even without real words thi kid communicates like nothing else. His little coos, squeals, grunts, grumbles, squeaks...it is so easy to have a conversation with him.
He has moved on in food too! Yup! So far Rylend has explored both carrots and peas. I have videos of that I will post when I have more time. He seems to like anything he can eat. He made a few faces when we gave him the peas, I think just because he had just gotten used to the carrots. But after that..he ate his whole bowl of them. And I have also moved him to formula. I started to dry up naturally and it was getting harder to feed him. He has taken to the formula happily and still gets his cuddle time with mommy. When he sees a bottle, even across the room, he wants it! And in his walker, he will walk to his high chair then start ramming it and reaching for it. He knows food...
Rylend is so amazing. How he "reads" his books. He blows raspberries too! So cute! How he leans to the person he wants and gets SO excited when he finds out they want him too. How he talks to his toys, grabs his feet, watched everything SO closely then starts to laugh for no reason. Life is so amazing with him around!
And today! I am feeding him in the morning then he goes to bite my finger like usual as we cuddle. And guess what I feel! YUP! The tips of a little tooth. His lower left front tooth to be exact. The sharp little tip is barely sticking out of his gums, but if you can con him into letting you look, you can see it! So amazing! It makes me kind of sad, knowing that he is entering another stage in his life. Teeth! He is fussier than usual and I feel bad that I cant make it better for him. But I know Rylend is such a tough little kid, he will get through it and find out how exciting this new object is!
I look back and cant imagine my life without everything I have now. Money is tough. Living isnt always easy. Family cant all be close and friends grow apart. But when I wake up next to my loving husband, when I hold my perfect son...those things make all the cons of life seem so minimal. Sure, we have our tough days. Rylend can sure get on my last nerve. And irritation is easy with someone you live with. But I love them both more than life and am SO HAPPY that I am sealed to them for eternity. Moments like this, when I turn around and see my son smiling up at me...they are what makes life worth it all.