Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Jenni's new writing blog

As most of you know, I love to write. But I also suck at actually getting about to DOING it. This last weekend Shane took me to the bookstore and had me pick out some writing books, since we can't afford for me to take the classes I would love to take. Then I got an idea. I started a writing blog. One of the books I got is a writing prompts book, and I have set myself a goal: Write a prompt a day. Hopefully it will get me back into the swing of writing and I just may finish one of my books...someday. I post my prompts on the blog, along with other facts and tips I find about writing. I am really liking this and am excited about it. Sadly, I haven't got much feedback, or any I guess, but then again, I did just start it. If you ever feel like taking a look through the new blog, please do! Then...comment to me so I know you did! Its something I am really working on. Something for myself amidst all the mommy duties of my life. And I do need support. I just thought to let you all know! Here is the link

"Writing is a journey, not an event"

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