Wednesday, January 14, 2009

My Writing

So, those of you who have known me a long time KNOW how much I love to write. I remember being in 1st grade, declaring to everyone that someday I would publish books. My mom says when I was three I insisted on learning to write. I would sit at the table, pencil in hand, and yell out "Mom! How do you spell cat!" She would reply with C-A-T. Then a short moment later I would suddenly ask "Whats a C look like?"

By the time I got to Kindergarten, I knew how to write. And I loved it. I have devoured reading my whole life. Escaping into other worlds created by other minds...its a thrill! There is so much magic and amazement in the world of writing. By second grade I was put in an advanced reading and writing group. I was already at high school level. By 4th grade I had peaked at college level. Come high school, I had to take the madatory classes and would skate by with a super easy A, turning in three times the amount asked for every time. And by the time I enrolled in Running Start, I was filling my notebooks with poetry, book ideas, pulling friends in with short chapters I would right. I have had a handful of amazing teachers through my years that have supported me so much. They could see my passion and they were excited for me. Ms. Greeley, Ms. Bordi, Heidi McKenna (also lovingly known by our class as "mom")...I think of those three women often and how much of an impact they have had on me. I even lost a bet to Ms. Bordi, now owing her a published book...not that I think she remembers this.

But my one issue has always dragged me down...writer's block. See, I am one of those people who, even though everyone tells me otherwise, thinks my work is never good enough. Forget the fact of my advanced placement, my teacher's and friend's praise, my winning of many writing contests...I still never see my writing as being up to THAT par...what ever that par may be. So as much as I love it. As much as I dream to see it in print. To have others devour the stories... I never finish. I literally have over ten book ideas, with one chapter written for each. I have the whole world of the story plotted in my head, with a few blank spots here and there. And I never touch on them again.

I wish I could afford to take some writing classes again. To learn more techiques and rules and tips. But they are always pricey. And we have no money. So I grab writing tip books and dig in. Orson Scott Card (one of my all time favorite authors) wrote a book called "How to Write Science Fiction and Fantasy." Its amazing. Inspiring. Yes, it has been helping. Along with the unending prodding from Shane. I will read him a blip from my newest writing, and he will soak it in. He has actually told me not to read to much for him...because he hates waiting for more.

So what to do?

I have started a blog for my writing. There isnt much there yet, being as I just started it a few days ago. Please, if you have the time, go there. Leave me tips. Tricks. Thoughts. Critiques. Help my mind spin up. Brain storm with me. You are all my friends and family. The best help I can get is from you.

Hopefully, soon, the worlds I have created will finally meet other waiting minds.

1 comment:

Afton said...

I have a few resources on my blog. Check my writing links for Editorial Anonymous (actually a kid lit editor, but still good stuff) and Query Shark which is an agent who posts query letters and tells what's good and bad. Very helpful for the day I finally submit an MS with a query.

Fun for writer's block and also on my list of links is "Sunday Scribblings" which is put together by two authors, one of which is Laini Taylor, author of "Faeries of Dreamdark" an excellent book.

Every week there is a writing prompt on Sunday Scribblings and you can do whatever you want with it. It's supposed to get your creative juices flowing. Some people write poems, others fiction, still others just journal or share their thoughts. You can then link your writing to the Sunday Scribblings site and other people can check out your writing. Kinda fun.

Great writing books I've read or want to read are "Take Joy" by Jane Yolen and "Bird by Bird" by Ann Lamot. I've heard Steven King's book on writing is excellent. You should be able to get these from the library easy peasy.

Oh, I follow a blog called Longstockings which is a group of YA authors who talk about their ups and downs with writing and getting published. (link also on my blog list)

I joined the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators. It was $60 for a year and I get a quarterly publication and info about local conferences and other things. I went to the spring conference here in Portland and they had editors there who would look at your manuscript and give you feedback. I didn't personally sit with an had to sign up and there were a limited number of spots, but there were great classes and it was SO inspiring.

Maybe there is a group you could join that would put you in touch with other authors who write in the same genre as you. It could help you find a critique group (which is something I need to do!)

Check out magazines that carry short stories similar to what you write. Are you focusing on Sci Fi? There are probably some magazines that publish short stories. You can submit and try to get published with them, then when you submit longer manuscripts to publishers, you will have a little resume built up.

Think about New Era or The Friend. I know The Friend likes stories that are based on real life experiences. That's one of my goals this year is to sell to The Friend and also Highlights.

You can check many magazines out at the library to get an idea of what kinds of things they are looking for or find a website where they might list their submission guidelines.

Whew! That's a lot of stuff, but most is free or cheap.

One more thing, in November check out You can join thousands of other people all over the world in National Novel Writing month. It's basically a challenge for people to write 50 thousand words in 30 days. I did it in 2007 and want to do it again in 2009. They have ways for people to hook up with other writers in the area too so you can get support.

Happy writing!